Have you ever searched for the perfect book to help you to process your radical identity? Or perhaps you’re seeking to better understand and/or support someone who challenges identity norms?
If you answered yes.. this book was made for you!

Dr. Ronnie Gladden is the author of White Girl Within

This isn’t just about Dr. Ronnie’s journey. With this book, you also get a robust resource section that can be used to better chart your personal journey, engage in group conversations, and so much more.
"This book is wholehearted and brilliant. Gladden embodies the struggle to overcome internalized racism in writings that are both cerebral and visceral at the same time, offering different layers of meaning.” - Seattle Book Review 5 star review
"White Girl Within” (is) an important part of the dialogue on race/gender/identity."
-Rachel Dolezal
White Girl Within is featured in USA Today.
Ronnie Gladden, author of White Girl Within has researched and complied their work into the perfect book to inspire LGBTQ+ Youth to embrace who they truly are. Available everywhere soon. Don’t want to wait? Sign up below to receive some exclusive resources and insights to give you a sneak peak of Ronnie’s new book & be the first to hear updates on the release!
Told through dreams, domestic violence, dramatic re-enactments, semi-autobiographical reflections, and social critique – White Girl Within: Letters of Self-Discovery Between a Transgender and Transracial Black Man and his Inner Female -- by award winning educator Ronnie Gladden -- tells the true-to-life and improbable story of a black man named Ronnie who is struggling with an internalized (and nameless) “White Girl” identity.
Uniquely structured as a series of letters written between “White Girl “and Ronnie, readers will get to experience how popular culture and arts immersion served as a buffer between the complex interactions involving the two of them. At least for most of the time.
White Girl Within also features chance meetings with key individuals, celebrities, and Ronnie’s critical interaction alongside a controversial and widely known transracial figure featured within a Netflix documentary. And there’s even a description of a White House visit. The eclectic and disparate details uniquely culminate into identity, gender, and genre bending. Notwithstanding, this creative non-fiction book formulates into a coherent and compelling work. And the nuanced tapestry of the manuscript is firmly and consistently centered on this fundamental question: What will it take for Ronnie, the black man, to transition to better approximate and present his repressed white female identity?
"The power of the book is that every reader will take away something different, depending on their social identities and orientation toward issues of racial identity and equity.” - Seattle Book Review 5 star review

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Dr. Ronnie Gladden is a motivational speaker, actor, author, and tenured professor. His work with at risk teens and young adults proved successful with improving educational and equity outcomes.
Dr. Ronnie implemented a critical diversity & inclusion training curriculum and dynamic speaking series boasting national and international cultural figures across multiple campuses within a college system. His work is centered on fostering identity reconciliation, empowerment, and independent representation via authentic, transformative, and diversity leadership practices for global impact.

Ronnie Gladden's excerpted Transgracial article is co-published in Mithu M. Sanyal's award-winning Identiti Book in both German & English versions.

Ronnie studied under author Jacquelyn Mitchard (Deep End of the Ocean & First Inductee into the Oprah Winfrey Book Club) & writer and producer Alissa Nutting (Made for Love).